Thursday, April 19, 2012

"One Small Step For Man...

One Giant Leap for Mankind." Niel Armstrong's quote, uttered as he became the first human to set foot on the lunar surface, has been immortalized over the decades. The lunar landing represented US victory over the Soviet Union and the culmination of the Space Race . The lunar landing was not just an American triumph, it was a triumph for all of humanity. The United States' role in leading the human race to extraterrestrial victory marked America as a global leader and a representative for all human life. The fact that the US and not Russia first achieved the lunar landing gave America a solid lead in the Cold War by boosting international opinion of US capabilities. The Soviet Union's space race achievements including launching Yuri Gagarin as the first man in space and Sputnik were dwarfed by the United States' colossal achievement. The lunar landing also provided a  morale boost on America's home front. The 1960's were a period of social upheaval as antiwar sentiment clashed with a strong desire to fight and contain communism worldwide. The tension resulted in protests, riots and discord among the US public. The moon landing united Americans and all of humanity in a common achievement.

The Apollo 11 flight plan, detailing minute by minute instructions for the flight crew to successfully execute the moon landing. This flight plan succeeded on landing Buzz Aldrin and Niel Armstrong on the lunar surface.

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